TKAM: Understanding
- Created by: Catherine Doubell
- Created on: 09-04-14 11:34
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- TKAM: Understanding
- Scout
- Throughout the novel she grows up A LOT
- She learns from Atticus, Cal, Miss Maudie and 3 years of experience.
- Learnt to accept people and not judge them.
- "to climb into his skin and walk around in it"
- She learns from Atticus, Cal, Miss Maudie and 3 years of experience.
- Throughout the novel she grows up A LOT
- Jem
- He grows up even more than Scout
- He is the most affected by the trial and realises about "Maycomb's usual disease."
- He grows up even more than Scout
- Mr Cunningham
- Disperses lynch mob because of Scout's innocent conversation.
- One of his relatives thinks Tom should be acquitted
- Disperses lynch mob because of Scout's innocent conversation.
- The whole of Maycomb
- Learns from the inequality of the trial.
- "a baby-step towards fai-mindedness."
- Learns from the inequality of the trial.
- Scout
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