TKAM: Sexism
- Created by: Catherine Doubell
- Created on: 09-04-14 11:06
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- TKAM: Sexism
- Women are not allowed to sit on a jury
- "I guess it's to protect our frail ladies..."
- Jem
- Insulting Scout by calling her a "girl" like it's a bad thing.
- Aunt Alexandra
- Expects Scout to behave in a certain wat
- "I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches."
- Expects Scout to behave in a certain wat
- Context: perception of women in 1930s
- Seen as fragile and weak.
- Job in life is to have children and get married.
- Seen as fragile and weak.
- Dill is the subject of sexism by his parents.
- "Boys get out and play baseball with the other boys."
- Women are not allowed to sit on a jury
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