TKAM: Loneliness
- Created by: Catherine Doubell
- Created on: 09-04-14 15:37
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- TKAM: Loneliness
- Mayella Ewell
- She is left to bring up her siblings by herself
- She has no friends and no-one to love her
- Possibly why she reached out to Tom
- She has no friends and no-one to love her
- "Mayella Ewell must have been the loneliest person in the world."
- She is left to bring up her siblings by herself
- Boo Radley
- His cruel father has turned him into a recluse
- "... and shut the door behind him. I never saw him again."
- Not strong enough to be in the outside world.
- "... and shut the door behind him. I never saw him again."
- His cruel father has turned him into a recluse
- Dill
- Parents rejected him and is passed from relation to relation.
- Feels part of the Finch family as he plays with Scout and Jem.
- Parents rejected him and is passed from relation to relation.
- Tom Robinson
- Imprisoned and isolated from family
- Helped by the black community and the Finches.
- Imprisoned and isolated from family
- Mayella Ewell
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