Tippett; Concerto for Double String Orchestra Movement I
- Created by: CharleyGleeson
- Created on: 28-04-16 10:42
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- Tippett
- Harmony
- Frequent dissonance avoided
- Root or first inversion traids
- Counterpoint
- some functional harmony
- Melody
- ABAB + Imitation and inversion
- Melodic sequence
- Periodic phrasing at start
- Performing Forces
- Performance directions are many and detailed
- Double stopping
- Pizzicato
- Sul Tasto
- Orchestras are of equal importance
- Performance directions are many and detailed
- Texture
- Contrapuntal
- Some chordal homophony
- Antiphonal
- Doubling in octaves
- Imitation
- Tonality
- Tonal centre of A
- Modal and Pentatonic
- C and C# both played at beginning
- G Lydian
- A major in Recap. and Coda
- C#m and Fm
- Rhythm and Metre
- One passage with no additive rhythms (bar 99)
- Time signature as 2/2 not 8/8
- Time signature changes
- Rhythmic augmentation
- Structure
- Basically Sonata form
- Strong thematic contrast
- Combination of themes
- Could be Ritonello
- Harmony