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  • Thrombosis
    • it is more likely for a blood clot to form when there are damaged blood vessel walls or when the blood is moving slowly
    • how does it happen?
      • platelets contact a damaged blood vessel wall and change from flat discs to spheres with long thin projections.
        • their cell surfaces change causing them to stick to exposed collegen in the wall and also to each other to form temporary platelet plugs. they also release a substance which activates more platelets.
          • the direct contact of blood with collegen within the damages wall also triggers a complex series of chemical reactions
            • this cascade of events results in thromboplastin being released
              • thromboplastin converts the soluble plasma protein prothrombin into thrombin
                • Thrombin is an enzyme which then catalyses the conversion of the plasma protein fibrinogen into insoulbe strands of protein fibrin
                  • fibrin traps red blood cells and forms a clot. this clot clogs up the artrey making it difficult for blood to get through


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