heating limestone, its uses and products
- Created by: adelaide
- Created on: 03-01-13 12:52
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- calcium carbonate
- + heat= calcium oxide & carbon dioxide
- calcium oxide reacts with water to make calcium hydroxide
- Thermal Decomposition
- heating limestone rapidly = breaking down
- calcium carbonate-> calcium oxide +carbon dioxide
- other carbonates break down in the same way
- sodium carrbonate, magnesium carbonate, copper carbonate
- reactivity effects how easily they can decompose
- metals high up in the reactivity series= more energy
- metals low down in the reactivity series= less energy
- the products from CaCO3
- making calcium oxide
- when limestone is heated strongly
- when hot= yellow, when cool= white
- calcium hydroxide
- when limestone reacts with water
- alkali
- exothermic
- making calcium oxide
- properties
- uses
- buildings
- concrete, cement and mortar
- reactivity
- acid rain=big problem
- rivers can be neutralised using Ca(OH)2
- uses
- calcium carbonate
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