Thermal energy
- Created by: highamR15
- Created on: 27-01-19 08:03
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- Thermal energy and energy resources
- Thermal physics
- Thermal =heat
- Heat moves from a hot object to a cold object always
- Heat is not a movement of proportion as it puts in the work from hot to cold and cold to hot.
- Hot=high energy
- Cold =low energy
- Heat is not a movement of proportion as it puts in the work from hot to cold and cold to hot.
- Heat=energy
- Heat moves from a hot object to a cold object always
- Thermal =heat
- Heat transfer
- 3 methods of heat transfer
- Conduction
- Solid materials
- Molecules in a solid always vibrate (except at absolute zero). When energy us out in the molecules vibrate faster and further.
- Faster=K.e
- K.e. and P.e. are internal energy.
- Further=P.e.
- K.e. and P.e. are internal energy.
- Further=P.e.
- Faster=K.e
- Because of the lattice structure the energy is passed along the materiel.
- Convection
- Liquids and gases
- Particles get hot, less dense, so rise, cools due to giving away the energy to other particles and sinks due to being more dense again.
- Called the convection current.
- Radiation
- Gases and vacums
- All hot objects radiate heat by an electro magnetic waves called Infra red. It travels in straight lines.
- Cold objects
- Colour affects the absorption of emissions of I.R. Black is a good absorber of heat and silver is a poor absorber of heat.
- Hot objects
- Black is a good emitter of heat and silver is a poor emitter of heat.
- Conduction
- 3 methods of heat transfer
- Reducing heat loss
- Conduction
- To reduce conduction use a poor conductor
- Convection
- Put a lid on the container to stop or reduce particle movement.
- Insulate well
- Radiation
- Colour it silver or a light colour.
- Conduction
- Specific heat capacity
- The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1Kg of material by 1*C.
- Shc of water is 4200J/Kg*C
- Energy put into a material= mass X specific heat capacity X temperature rise
- E=mc(delta T)
- Delta means change in
- Thermal physics
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