Theravada: The Historical Buddha
- Created by: miaakate
- Created on: 06-05-14 18:27
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- Theravada: The Historical Buddha
- Human being
- Uncovered path to Enlightenment
- Acted as an example to all
- An extraordinary human being
- Simply a person like them, but had the strength to walk the path of life until he found Enlightenment.
- To worship Buddha/or any other human being, undermines Buddhism
- Historical Buddha, greatest being to have ever lived
- Buddha doesn't exist anymore tho
- Use of statues, shows their gratitude
- We can relate to Buddha, because he was an ordinary person
- "If he were a God, his achievements would not be relevant to us"
- "It's vital not to forget that is one of us.! Cash
- A persons enlightenment is completely dependent on the fact that Buddha taught the way
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