theory's of the family
- Created by: ms.
- Created on: 25-12-21 17:49
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- theory's of family
- Functionalists
- Murdock's 4 basic functions of the family
- 1) primary socialisation 2) reproduction 3)stable satisfaction of the sex drive 4)economic needs met
- criticisms of Murdock
- other family types can perform these functions not just the nuclear family. some cultures don't seem to have a family construct eg.the Nayer
- genreral critisisms of functionalist family
- Downplaying conflict - both Murdock and Parsons fail to consider the 'darker side' of family life such as domestic and child abuse.
- Out of date with the majority of women in paid work
- roles of breadwinner as male and homemaker as female typically leads to the disadvantage of women, 90% of women being the primary child carer in families and paid work.Too deterministic
- Out of date with the majority of women in paid work
- Downplaying conflict - both Murdock and Parsons fail to consider the 'darker side' of family life such as domestic and child abuse.
- Murdock's 4 basic functions of the family
- the new right
- believe in traditional gender roles alike functionalists with man as breadwinner and women as homemaker. Their outlook on family is more political than sociological.
- the new right on alternative families
- Are opposed to family types other then the nuclear family .Opposed to changes in law that would make divorce easier
- marxist
- see family as the bourgeois way to maintain a capitalist workforce. The Bourgeoisie gain their wealth from exploiting the proletariat.
- Functionalists
- pre-industrilisation extended family was the best fit because women had more support with other women in the family, primary socilisation of children in education at home as typically there was no state education, care for the elderly and economic needs met
- talcott parsons functionalist fit theory
- post industrilisation the nuclear family is the best fit as it is more mobile making gaining jobs easier. Less need for health and education within the family as it was gradually done by the state
- pre-industrilisation extended family was the best fit because women had more support with other women in the family, primary socilisation of children in education at home as typically there was no state education, care for the elderly and economic needs met
- talcott parsons functionalist fit theory
- post industrilisation the nuclear family is the best fit as it is more mobile making gaining jobs easier. Less need for health and education within the family as it was gradually done by the state
- Functionalists
- Murdock's 4 basic functions of the family
- 1) primary socialisation 2) reproduction 3)stable satisfaction of the sex drive 4)economic needs met
- criticisms of Murdock
- other family types can perform these functions not just the nuclear family. some cultures don't seem to have a family construct eg.the Nayer
- genreral critisisms of functionalist family
- Downplaying conflict - both Murdock and Parsons fail to consider the 'darker side' of family life such as domestic and child abuse.
- Out of date with the majority of women in paid work
- roles of breadwinner as male and homemaker as female typically leads to the disadvantage of women, 90% of women being the primary child carer in families and paid work.Too deterministic
- Out of date with the majority of women in paid work
- Downplaying conflict - both Murdock and Parsons fail to consider the 'darker side' of family life such as domestic and child abuse.
- Murdock's 4 basic functions of the family
- post industrilisation the nuclear family is the best fit as it is more mobile making gaining jobs easier. Less need for health and education within the family as it was gradually done by the state
- parsons two essential functions. 1)primary socialisation 2)stabalisation of adult personalities
- talcott parsons functionalist fit theory
- pre-industrilisation extended family was the best fit because women had more support with other women in the family, primary socilisation of children in education at home as typically there was no state education, care for the elderly and economic needs met
- post industrilisation the nuclear family is the best fit as it is more mobile making gaining jobs easier. Less need for health and education within the family as it was gradually done by the state
- parsons two essential functions. 1)primary socialisation 2)stabalisation of adult personalities
- talcott parsons functionalist fit theory
- New right on State policy
- encouraged the conservativ government to launch the 'back to basics' campaign in 1993
- New right believe that welfare policies outside the nuclear family lead to a society of irresponsible and lazy people as well as creating social problems such as juvenile delinquency.
- the new right
- believe in traditional gender roles alike functionalists with man as breadwinner and women as homemaker. Their outlook on family is more political than sociological.
- the new right on alternative families
- Are opposed to family types other then the nuclear family .Opposed to changes in law that would make divorce easier
- encouraged the conservativ government to launch the 'back to basics' campaign in 1993
- crititisms of the new right
- Chester argues that the New Right exaggerate the extent of cohabiting and single parent families
- Feminism - gender roles are socially determined rather than being fixed by biology. Traditional gender roles are oppressive to women.,
- enegls sees the nucleur family to come with capatilsm. Before capatalism there was 'primitive communism' in traditional tribal societys.
- however when capatilsm began to emerge in the 18th century the bourgeois looked for ways to pass down their wealth to the next generation which is where the idea of monogamous nuclear family relationships stemmed from
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