theories of family
- Created by: hananmumin
- Created on: 30-12-18 17:01
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- theories of the family
- the functionalist perspective
- criticisms of murdock
- parsons 'functional fit' theory
- a geographical mobile workforce
- a socially mobile workforce
- loss of functions
- the marxist perspective
- 1 inheritance of property
- private property
- 2 ideological functions
- 3 a unit of consumption
- criticisms of marxism
- 1 inheritance of property
- feminist perspective
- 1 liberal feminism
- 2 marxism feminism
- 3 radical feminism
- 4 difference feminism
- the personal life perspective on families
- the sociology of personal life
- donor conceived children
- evaluation of personal life perspective
- the sociology of personal life
- the functionalist perspective
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