Theories of Attachment
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- Created on: 01-05-17 11:19
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- Theories of Attachment
- Bowlby's theory of attachment
- Infants are biologically pre-programmed to form attachments
- Infancy is a critical period for developing attachments
- In their early months, infants form one primary attachments
- Attachment to the primary caregiver is essential
- A disruption to attachment has a negative impact on development
- Disrupted attachments may cause:
- Anxiety
- Difficulty in forming relationships
- Depressive disorders
- Delinquency
- Learning disorders
- Disrupted attachments may cause:
- Attachment to the primary caregiver is a model for future attachments
- Infants are biologically pre-programmed to form attachments
- Ainsworth's strange situation classification (SSC)
- Mary Ainsworth classified attachments into three main types, based on a study of children's reaction when separated from parent
- Secure
- Infant's behaviour
- Will show distress when PCG leaves, and greets them when they return; seeks comfort from CG when upset; happy with stranger when CG is present
- Parenting style
- In tune with the child and their emotions
- Infant's behaviour
- Insecure / avoidant
- Parenting style
- Unavailable to child / rejects them
- Infant's behaviour
- Does not show distress when PCG leaves; continues to explore the environment; may go to a stranger for comfort
- Parenting style
- Insecure / resistant
- Parenting style
- Inconsistent in meeting the child's needs
- Infant's behaviour
- Shows distress when PGC leaves but resists contact on their return; shows anxiety and insecurity
- Parenting style
- Secure
- Mary Ainsworth classified attachments into three main types, based on a study of children's reaction when separated from parent
- Schaffer and Emerson's stages of attachment
- Birth to 3 months
- Responds to any caregiver
- 4-7 months
- Shows preference for primary care giver but accepts care from others
- 7-9 months
- Prefers primary caregiver and seeks comfort from them; unhappy when separated and shows fear of strangers
- 10 months +
- Begins to develop attachments with others who respond to them. By 18 months most infants have formed multiple attachments
- Birth to 3 months
- Bowlby's theory of attachment
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