The Aeneid - Themes
- Created by: Bena_
- Created on: 13-04-16 17:42
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- Themes
- Moral Value
- The Aeneid
- pietas
- duty to the state - Aeneas takes on his destiny destined to refound Troy .
- duty to family - Aeneas goes but for Creusa when he realises she is missing
- He carries Anchises on his back from the city to safety.
- duty to the gods - Aeneas ( and Anchises) literally carry their house gods, the penates, from the burning city .
- pietas
- The Iliad
- Piety
- A Greek hero is more focused on themself.
- Achilles / Hector both pay respects to the Gods (Hector being more selfless as a Roman hero)
- Piety
- The Aeneid
- Fate
- The Aeneid
- Jupiter - prophecy about Aeneas destiny, founding a new race (book I)
- Venus-constant intervention, trying to fulfil fate e.g. releasing Aeneas' spear in his duel, potion to heal his leg, Cupid and Dido.
- Mercury -reminds Aeneas of his fate and makes him leave Carthage.
- Juno - tries to delay fate e.g. Turnus' death
- sheild of Aeneas - shows the future (in the story)
- The Iliad
- Thetis - tells Achilles he'll die if he kills Hector
- knows he'll die if he goes out to face Achilles
- Zeus - weighs the scales of fate
- Athena - disguises herself to stop the fight
- The Aeneid
- Heroism
- Greek-type Hero
- Achilles - typical Greek hero: glory (for killing Hector), honour (insulted by Agamemnon), war prize (takes back his armour from Hector's body)
- Turnus - typical Greek hero: glory (desperate to duel with Aeneas), honour (Lavinia was meant to be his bride), war prize (takes Pallas' baldric)
- Roman-type Hero
- Aeneas - respects pietas. Aspects of a Greek hero: can be selfish (Carthage; Dido), shows blood-lust (after Pallas' death). His character transitions as the epic goes on.
- Hector - respects pietas. Huge duty to Troy (dies for his state), rebukes Paris for not doing his duty. Very Pious. Loyal to his family - however the state comes first.
- Greek-type Hero
- Women
- The Aeneid
- Dido - strong and positively presented and well-respected, until Aeneas. She neglects her city; work stops, she falls apart and commits suicide, abandoning her responsibilities
- Anna - sympathetic character (she is devastated at her sisters death)
- Creusa - sympathetic character. Her ghost encourages Aeneas on his journey (used to enhance aspects of him)
- Lavinia - catalyst for war. Used as a plot device by Virgil.
- Amata - stirs up war (women). Commits suicide when she thinks Turnus is dead
- Camilia - strong, female warrior - killed.
- The Iliad
- The Aeneid
- Family
- The Aeneid
- Anchises & Aeneas - Aeneas carried Anchises from Troy. Anchises gives Aeneas advice (in the underworld)
- Aeneas & Iulus - Aeneas' purpose for founding Rome is so Iulus has something to inherit.
- Evander & Pallas - Evander sends his son to war with Aeneas so he can gain experience. He's devastated by Pallas' death.
- Menzentius & Lausus - Lausus takes his father's place when he is injured. Mezentius comes to avenge the death of his son when Aeneas kills him.
- Turnus & Juturna - Juturna rallies the Latins and disguises herself herself (protect him)
- Dido & Anna - they're very close (Anna is heartbroken when Dido dies)
- Venus & Aeneas - gets Vulcan to make him his new armour. Constantly protecting him (divine protection)
- The Iiliad
- Thetis & Achilles - has the armor and shield made for Achilles. Prophecies his death
- Agamemnon & Menelaus - without these two there wouldn't be a war, or it wouldn't have involved the whole of Greece
- Hector, Adromache, Astryanax - touching family moment (when Hector scares Astryanax). A. pleads with H. not to go, and laments him when he dies.
- Priam & Hecube - plead with Hector not to fight. Lamentations.
- Hector & Paris - don't get along (H thinks P is a coward)
- Helen & Menelaus - caused the war.
- Achilles & Patroclus - P's death brings A. back into the war. They were either cousins, lover; or both.
- The Aeneid
- Armour
- The Aeneid
- Aeneas - In Troy, he and his men disguise themselves in Greek armor.
- Nisus & Euryalus - slay Latins and steal their armor - leads to their deaths.
- Duel between Turnus and Aeneas - Turnus' sword breaks, Aeneas' spear gets stuck in an olive tree.
- The Iliad
- Achilles' sheild
- Hector's helmet - takes Achilles' armor as a war prize
- Glaucos & Diomedes - switch armor
- Patroclus - wearing Achilles armor (gets him killed)
- Achilles' armor alone terrifies the Trojans
- Duel - Hector throws spear and misses, Achilles does the same but Athena brings it back
- The Aeneid
- Rome
- The Aeneid is a piece of propaganda for Augustus and Rome
- Makes a family link - the Julius family (Augustus) are descendants of Iulus, and therefore gods.
- Aeneas sheild refers to important events in Roman history
- Moral Value