Theme 2: Stalin recovery after WW2
- Created by: ARQ
- Created on: 23-05-22 15:46
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- Stalin: recovery from war after 1945
- WW2 destroyed economy
- Reconstruction of industry and agricultural post WW2
- Industry saw rapid growth
- Agriculture grew more slowly
- Consumer goods and housing not prioritised and in short supply
- Caused 25m homeless
- Consumer goods and housing not prioritised and in short supply
- Industry produced 1/3 of 1940
- Agriculture producing 1/2 of 1940
- Reconstruction of industry and agricultural post WW2
- Industrial recovery
- Prioritised heavy industry
- Given 90% of gov investment
- In 1950 USSR producing more coal, oil, iron and steal than in 1940
- Fastest growing economy in the world
- Prioritised heavy industry
- Military Spending
- Cold War
- Prioritised rearmament
- 25% of gov investment
- 1949 atomic bomb successfully tested
- Cold War
- Economic issues
- Command economy meant economy state inefficient
- Soviet workers less productive than other nations
- < 12% investment into light industry
- Failed to grow
- Consumer goods remained scarce
- Soviet economy geared towards quantity over quality
- High tech production relied on precision and sophisticated tools and material
- USSR lagged behind
- Tractors and trucks poorly made
- USSR lagged behind
- High tech production relied on precision and sophisticated tools and material
- Farming was labour intensive and there were little incentives
- Low productivity
- Stalin industrialised USSR
- Neglected consumer goods
- Economy remained inefficient
- But did not lead to better standard of living
- Stalin's gigantomaniasatisfied rather than the needs of the people
- Lenin's one party state and Stalin's command economy rained at the heart of the Soviet system until the 80s
- Stalin credited with creating the world's first socialist economy
- WW2 destroyed economy
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