Theatre- Elizabeth unit(2)
- Created by: Amy Woodhams
- Created on: 26-03-13 17:43
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- Theatre
- common themes
- romance
- tragedy
- historical
- murder
- supernatural
- exploration
- comedy
- power struggle
- royalty
- why it was popluar
- themes
- they are relevant
- they are emotive
- they are intriguing
- people enjoy learning new things
- reflect human experience
- shows support of the Queen
- became popular/ fashionable
- social
- chance to marry into a higher class
- gives entertainment to the poor
- less crime
- boosts moral/ enjoyment
- themes
- issues
- spreads disease
- cannot control crowds
- attracts crime- lots of wealthy people
- against Puritan beliefs
- supernatural/ act of the devil/ sinful
- increased Puritan Protests
- people were not going to church as much
- they believed that there should be no enjoyment on Sundays (Gods day)
- increased Puritan Protests
- supernatural/ act of the devil/ sinful
- other culture that people became interested in and / or was developed
- Literature and drama
- common themes
- history
- other culture that people became interested in and / or was developed
- Literature and drama
- other culture that people became interested in and / or was developed
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