The Westminster Model
- Created by: Launston
- Created on: 11-05-14 09:48
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- The Westminster Model
- Features
- The government is drawn from the House of Commons
- The UK Parliament has unlimited legislative competence
- Systems for ensuring ministers are accountable to Parliament
- Description
- UK is a parliamentary democracy and sovereignty rests with the crown in Parliament
- Commons asserted right as representative body
- Commons is pre-eminent authority - government must retain support of house - contests between parties
- Accountability
- Public authorities must explain actions and be subject to scrutiny
- Elections
- Parliamentary questions, debates, committees
- Courts - judicial review - explain decisions
- Problems
- Government control of commons
- Exclusive use of legislative process - controls timetable and agenda
- Prime Ministerial government
- Thatcher and Blair
- Delegated Legislation - harder to scrutinize
- Influence by EU Law
- Public confidence crisis
- Low turnout at elections - expenses scandals
- Government control of commons
- Future of the Model
- Reinvigorating the system
- Reforms of the Commons
- Parallel chamber means more time for debates
- Publishing bills in draft form for better consultation and scrutiny
- Election of select committee chairs by secret ballot
- Reforms of the Commons
- More emphasis on participation
- Citizens juries discuss important issues
- Duty to hold referendums on excessive council tax increases
- Referendum if framework of EU changed
- More legal constitution
- Quashed delegated legislation
- Detention of foreign nationals against ECHR
- Reinvigorating the system
- Features
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