The Relationship between Religion and Morality
The basics on Religion v Morality
- Created by: Harry Jordan
- Created on: 28-01-14 21:45
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- The Relationship between Religion and Morality
- Scholars
- Bonhoeffer
- Christianity gives us a special, crucial view on morality. Ethics without a religion is a hollow exercise, because it is not sufficiently aware of our sinful natures.
- Plato's Euthyphro Dilemma
- God commands goodness because it is good
- Both assume God's existence
- Goodness is good because it is commanded by God
- Both assume God's existence
- Goodness is good because it is commanded by God
- God commands goodness because it is good
- Russel
- I love the things that are good because they are good and hate the things that are bad because they are bad
- God has no say
- I love the things that are good because they are good and hate the things that are bad because they are bad
- Steve Chalke
- Agape extends beyond tolerance
- Unconditional love conquers all
- Agape extends beyond tolerance
- Aquinas
- All goodness comes from God. Closer to goodness makes you closer to God.
- J Sachs
- Fundamentalism is when you go from text to application without interpretation
- God's goodness must be interpreted
- Fundamentalism is when you go from text to application without interpretation
- Prof. R Dawkins
- Religions labels people like a free enterprise. Untested belief becomes unshakable truth.
- Religion not sound enough to base morality on
- Religions labels people like a free enterprise. Untested belief becomes unshakable truth.
- Bonhoeffer
- Arguments
- Religion accepts human faults
- Religion blocks moral progress e.g. medieval post mortems
- Papal interpretations differ
- People do not always accept the whole of their religion - Too inconsistent to base morality on
- The more fixed on faith one is, the less likely they'll compromise
- Religion = early science, trying to explain the world
- Differences in religion
- God Himself defies some of the 10 commandments (his own moral teaching)
- People do immoral things in the name of religion
- Religion is a source of moral teachings
- Bible
- Abraham and Isaac
- God commands Abraham to kill his own son - grave moral wrong?
- Testing a servant moral?
- Abraham acts out of fear. Relationship of blind obedience?
- God commands Abraham to kill his own son - grave moral wrong?
- Cain and Abel
- God curses Cain for his crime of killing Abel - early justice system?
- Job
- Job rewarded by God for his faith yet starving African Christians are not
- Testing a servant moral?
- Job rewarded by God for his faith yet starving African Christians are not
- Abraham and Isaac
- Key Words
- Heteronomy
- Morality is similar to religion
- Autonomy
- Morality is independent from religion
- Theonomy
- Morality is dependent on religion
- Deontological
- Action itself is based solecy upon the action and not its consequences
- Teological
- Action defined upon consequences
- Heteronomy
- Scholars
- The more fixed on faith one is, the less likely they'll compromise
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