The Problem of Evil
All you need to know about the Problem of Evil.
- Created by: Kieran Cutting
- Created on: 12-05-13 13:37
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- The Problem of Evil
- What is it?
- evil undoubtedly exists
- two types
- natural
- "evil which originates independently of human actions", Hick
- moral
- humans doing "that which they ought not to"
- human negligence to do the right thing
- natural
- two types
- responses
- some disregard
- Hindus believe evil is an illusion
- brought on by karmic misdeeds
- Hindus believe evil is an illusion
- most face the reality of evil
- for believers in the God of Classical Theism, this poses a problem
- How does the GoCT retain his characteristics and allow evil to exist?
- for believers in the God of Classical Theism, this poses a problem
- some disregard
- evil undoubtedly exists
- Atheistic responses
- Mackie
- inconsistent triad
- if God is omni benevolent and omnipotent, how can evil exist?
- it is undeniable that evil exists
- God does not exist
- God does not have these qualities
- it is undeniable that evil exists
- if God is omni benevolent and omnipotent, how can evil exist?
- inconsistent triad
- Dostoevsky
- the price of innocent suffering is too high for God to be considered omni benevolent
- Mackie
- Augustine
- conservative theistic response
- God created a perfect world ex nihilo
- "it is a logical contradiction to state that a perfectly created world has malfunctioned. Either it was not perfect or God caused it to malfunction" - Schleiermacher
- the existence of Hell contradicts the notion of a perfectly created world
- God created man with free will
- man misused his free will
- moral evil
- disrupted the harmony
- natural evil
- disrupted the harmony
- moral evil
- contrary to evolution
- man misused his free will
- initially, a harmony between all things existed
- moral evil
- disrupted the harmony
- natural evil
- disrupted the harmony
- moral evil
- God is just
- we are born into Original Sin and thus experience evil
- we may reach salvation by following Christ
- God created a perfect world ex nihilo
- evil is privatio boni
- rejection of cosmic dualism
- logical - most do not believe evil is an "entity"
- rejection of cosmic dualism
- Irenaeus
- God created man in his image and ikeness
- after the Fall, man retained image but lost likeness
- now we must grow into God's likeness
- we may grow into God's likeness after death by learning from evil
- now we must grow into God's likeness
- after the Fall, man retained image but lost likeness
- God created man with free will
- we are free to choose to love or reject God
- now we must grow into God's likeness
- we may grow into God's likeness after death by learning from evil
- now we must grow into God's likeness
- we are free to choose to love or reject God
- the Mother and Baby analogy
- not developed enough to eat food when born
- humans are not developed enough to be in God's likeness at birth
- not developed enough to eat food when born
- God created man in his image and ikeness
- "part of being good is effort of will" - Kant
- God cannot interevene
- Hick
- "a world which is to be a person-making environment cannot be a pain-free paradise"
- God had to create humans an epistemic distance away from us so that we can have true freedom
- "without an eschatological fulfillment this theodicy would collapse"
- animals do not have souls yet suffer
- Swinburne
- even death is necessary so that we can make meaningful contributions to the world
- caters for evolution
- some people suffer more than others - does God want them to mature more?
- an omnibenevolent God would not conclude that suffering is a way to help someone
- Free Will Defences
- alternative to theodicy
- God's existence is not made logically impossible by the existence of evil
- Hick
- "if some evils are too great, then the slightest suffering becomes too much"
- the alternative would "approximate to a prolonged dream in which our experiences arranged themselves according to our desires"
- Plantinga
- an omnipotent God can only actualise a world in which logic follows
- a world with moral good requires the presence of moral evil also
- an omnipotent God can only actualise a world in which logic follows
- Swinburne
- without choices people are not free
- God cannot interevene
- natural evil necessary so tat we have knowledge of how to avoid suffering
- death necessary as there is no development without a finite timespan
- "there will be victims of the system"
- without choices people are not free
- not all get a chance to exercise their free will
- God could have made beings who acted freely but always went right
- an omnipotent God can only actualise a world in which logic follows
- a world with moral good requires the presence of moral evil also
- an omnipotent God can only actualise a world in which logic follows
- alternative to theodicy
- allows others to suffer for the wrongs of others
- Free Will Defences
- Process theodicy
- the universe is an uncreated process of which God is a part
- bound by natural laws
- must accept the reality of evil
- must take some responsibility - started evolution knowing he would be unable to later control it
- "believed it would produce a sufficient wuality and quantity of good to outweigh the evil" - Hick
- must take some responsibility - started evolution knowing he would be unable to later control it
- not omnipotent
- not worth worshipping
- people want an interventionist God
- God isn't interventionist anyway
- "the God of the élite" - Hick
- people want an interventionist God
- not a true theodicy?
- "God cannot completely control the creatures" - Griffin
- St.Anselm - "God is that than which nothing greater than can be conceived"
- contradicts the Bible - book of Job clearly states God's omnipotence
- not worth worshipping
- must accept the reality of evil
- bound by natural laws
- God is dipolar
- partly immersed, partly distinct
- mental pole
- physical pole
- the Earth
- shares in suffering
- not omnipotent
- not worth worshipping
- people want an interventionist God
- God isn't interventionist anyway
- "the God of the élite" - Hick
- people want an interventionist God
- not a true theodicy?
- "God cannot completely control the creatures" - Griffin
- St.Anselm - "God is that than which nothing greater than can be conceived"
- contradicts the Bible - book of Job clearly states God's omnipotence
- not worth worshipping
- not omnipotent
- shares in suffering
- the Earth
- Continuous creativity
- new things happen all the time
- harmony - good
- God tries to maximise harmony
- "persuasion and lure" - Hick
- "believed it would produce a sufficient wuality and quantity of good to outweigh the evil" - Hick
- God tries to maximise harmony
- discord - evil
- harmony - good
- new things happen all the time
- the universe is an uncreated process of which God is a part
- Free Will Defences
- alternative to theodicy
- God's existence is not made logically impossible by the existence of evil
- Hick
- "if some evils are too great, then the slightest suffering becomes too much"
- the alternative would "approximate to a prolonged dream in which our experiences arranged themselves according to our desires"
- Plantinga
- Swinburne
- without choices people are not free
- natural evil necessary so tat we have knowledge of how to avoid suffering
- death necessary as there is no development without a finite timespan
- "there will be victims of the system"
- without choices people are not free
- not all get a chance to exercise their free will
- God could have made beings who acted freely but always went right
- alternative to theodicy
- Mill - "all things seemed designed to inflict pain" - any God cannot be omni benevolent
- Evidential form of the problem of evil
- Rowe
- lightning fire killing a fawn - suffers for several days beforehand
- reduces the likelihood of existence of GoCT - fawn's free will wasn't involved, so pointless suffering
- lightning fire killing a fawn - suffers for several days beforehand
- Rowe
- What is it?
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