The path to war key events from 1899-1914
- Created by: lucy proctor
- Created on: 27-05-13 10:52
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- The path to war key events from 1899-1914
- Boer War 1899-1902
- Daily Telegraph' article 1908
- In a newspaper article the kaiser called the British mad and the all Germans hated them this caused create offence in Britain increasing anger levels
- First Moroccan crisis 1905-1906
- The kaiser promised Morocco that Germany would protect them against France this made the French very angry
- Balkan Wars 1912-1913
- Serbia and other Balkan countries conquered most of the Turkish land, Serbia became powerful and Austria was its next target.
- Bosnia 1908
- When Austria annexed Bosnia it annoyed Serbia, as they wanted Bosnia. Russia wanted to help Serbia but was forced to back down.
- Agadir 1911
- There was a revolution in Morocco so France sent its army to stop it, Germany the sent the gun boat 'Pantha' but was forced to take it back.
- Dreadnought crisis 1909
- Britain got scared of Germany growing its navy. British people then demaned we built 8 Dreadnoughts
- Assassination of Franz Ferdinand 1914
- The heir to the Austrian throne was shot by a Serb terrorist in bosnia
- Germany opposed Britain's attempt to defeat the Boers in South Africa.
- Boer War 1899-1902
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