The Pastoral Romance Tradition
A mindmap on the Pastoral Romance Tradition:
- Definition
- Shakespeare's inspiration
- Shakespeare's interpretation
- Typical features
- Created by: Alice Rigby
- Created on: 25-05-14 14:02
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- The Pastoral Romance Tradition
- Portrayed rural life as an ideal world of innocence and freedom
- A world where Kings, Queens and courtiers could escape
- Pastoral
- A literature and drama that idealised nature and rural life
- The country = superior to the city
- Court = unnatural + unhappy
- Country = natural + joyful
- The country taught moral lessons, eg Duke F and Oliver
- Binary opposition between civilisation and rudeness
- History stretches back over 2,000 years
- Theocritus created a 'golden world' of peaceful and harmonious country life
- Populated by beautiful and wise shepherds and shepherdesses
- They were poets, philosophers and lovers
- Populated by beautiful and wise shepherds and shepherdesses
- Theocritus created a 'golden world' of peaceful and harmonious country life
- Folk tales, eg Robin Hood = influence
- Contrasts
- Touchstone and Corin debate
- Duke Senior Speech
- Amien's song
- Romance
- Stories of love and chivalry = v.popular in Middle Ages
- 2 dif. views of love = courtly + romantic
- Courtly
- Sexless and idealised
- Put women on a pedestal. Women = worshipped as unattainable goddesses
- Romantic
- Sexless and Idealised, but also 'love at first sight'
- Natural result = marriage
- Courtly
- Typical features
- Journeys, Adventures and Learning
- A young knight leaves court to travel and seek fortune. He has many adventures in remote places and undergoes trials from which he learns
- Orlando in the forest learns from his 'trials of love' by Rosalind
- A young knight leaves court to travel and seek fortune. He has many adventures in remote places and undergoes trials from which he learns
- Love and Faithfulness
- He loves a beautiful woman. She occupies all his thoughts. Fidelity is highly valued
- Orlando falls instantly in love with Rosalind, and she with him
- He loves a beautiful woman. She occupies all his thoughts. Fidelity is highly valued
- Coincidence
- All kinds of improbabilities and coincidences occur.
- Anne Barton: 'The conclusion of AYLI veers towards the implausible in asking us to accept four marriages, two lightning conversions, and the inexplicable appearance of the god Hymen'
- All kinds of improbabilities and coincidences occur.
- Fathers
- A beautiful woman has a harsh father
- Celia and Duke Frederick
- A beautiful woman has a harsh father
- Disguise
- Mistaken identity and disguise features in many stories
- Rosalind disguises herself as a boy, Celia as a shepherdess. Neither is recognised
- Mistaken identity and disguise features in many stories
- Happy endings
- The Knight marries his beloved, and the stories end with forgiveness, reconciliations, and virtue triumphant
- The play ends with multiple marriages, the reconciliation of Orlando and Oliver, the restoration of Duke Senior and the conversion from evil of Duke Frederick
- The Knight marries his beloved, and the stories end with forgiveness, reconciliations, and virtue triumphant
- Shepherds
- Journeys, Adventures and Learning
- Shakespeare's interpretation
- The Forest of Arden is not an idealised Utopia
- Bad weather - 'icy fang' of the bitter wind
- Corin's mean boss
- Phebe scorns Silvius
- The deer are hunted by exiled Lords
- Threat of Lions and Snakes
- Jaques' cynicism
- Audrey = not beatiful or wise
- Rosalind and Orlando discover that love doesn't run smooth
- At the end of the play, the exiles prepare to return to court
- The don't seem to be unhappy about leaving the country behind
- Only Jaques, the cynic, stays behind, and his purpose is not the enjoyment of the innocent pleasures of rural life
- The don't seem to be unhappy about leaving the country behind
- The Forest of Arden is not an idealised Utopia
- Portrayed rural life as an ideal world of innocence and freedom
- Lovesick and Scornful Shepherdesses
- Shepherds
- Silvius and Phebe
- A world where Kings, Queens and courtiers could escape
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