- Created by: cocowilson
- Created on: 25-03-15 13:36
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- The Marketing Mix "Promotion"
- Defenition: the publicising of a product or service to increase sales and brand awareness
- Three basic objectives of promotion: 1) present info 2) increase demand 3) differentiate product
- Above the line promotion: TV, Radio, Billboards, Magazines, busses, product placement
- Below the line: Sales promotions, Direct selling, PR events,merchandising
- Three basic objectives of promotion: 1) present info 2) increase demand 3) differentiate product
- TV? Press? Magazine? Newspaper? Online?
- Timing, when is the best time to promote?
- How to reach target audience?
- What are competitors doing?
- Public Relations
- Used to enhance reputation
- objectives of promotion
- Adopt a public image
- Encourage to buy existing product
- Introduce a new product
- Encourage retailers to buy
- Increase sales
- Demonstrate product
- objectives of promotion
- PR gives public better understandin of business
- Used to enhance reputation
- E-marketing
- New, trendy
- Cheap method of promotion
- Good when wanting to target younger audience
- Sales promotions" i.e.: 2 for one. buy one get one free
- Defenition: the publicising of a product or service to increase sales and brand awareness
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