the main components of a computer
the main components of a computer. information for the other mind map.
- Created by: Rianne B
- Created on: 16-03-13 16:01
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- The main componenets of a desktop
- Central Processing Unit (CPU) - processes the raw data and turns it into information.
- Main/internal memory - are chips inside the computer where data is held and can be accessed by the computer.
- Motherboard - is the central circuit board of the computer that contains all the electronic components.
- Sound card - an electronic circuit board that enables high quality sound signals to be produced.
- Video card - an electronic circuit board that allows the production of graphics on screen.
- Input devices - are devices that are under the computer and input data for processing (commands, raw data).
- Output devices - are devices that give the results of processing the data by the computer.
- Secondary or backing storage - is any storage that is not memory. (e.g. optical drives(CD or DVD), flash pen).
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