- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 04-06-14 13:40
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- The land of the dead
- Circe tells them that their journey will start through the land of the dead
- she summons up a wind to help them on their journey
- they sail till they reach the banks of the river of Ocean where they moor
- Odysseus pours a libation to the dead containing honey, milk, sweet wine, water and sprinkles of barley
- he then prays to the dead that he will get back to Ithaca safely
- if he does then he will build a barren heifer and make Tiresias a separate offering of the finest jet- black sheep
- he then prays to the dead that he will get back to Ithaca safely
- she summons up a wind to help them on their journey
- Odysseus takes the sheep, cuts their throats and pours the blood into the trench
- once drunken by the sprits they will be able to talk to him
- he then sacrifices the rest of the sheep to the Gods Hades and Persephone
- this attracts sprits
- Elphenor
- Odysseus left in s rush and forgot to give Elphenor proper burial rites
- Odysseus says he will give him proper burial rites when he returns to Aeaea
- Teirsias
- he tells his that a God will obstruct his nostos
- Poseidon will keep on punishing him for blinding his son
- him and his men may reach Ithaca but not without suffering
- especially if he can't control his men's appetites
- if he leaves the cattle alone then there is a chance he will reach Ithaca
- if he hurts the cattle's then his, ship company and nostos will be destroyed
- he then ay manage to escape but will reach Ithaca alone. late, in a wretched state ad he will find trouble n his home
- if he hurts the cattle's then his, ship company and nostos will be destroyed
- he will need to get rid of the suitors by outwitting them
- he must then try and prove himself worth to Poseidon
- he should do this by traveling till he finds a place that thinks an oar is a 'winnowing-fan'
- he must then plant the oar in the earth and offer a ram as a sacrifice to Poseidon
- he should do this by traveling till he finds a place that thinks an oar is a 'winnowing-fan'
- Odysseus will die peacefully of old age surrounded by prosperous people
- he tells his that a God will obstruct his nostos
- Anticleia then drank the blood
- poignant moment. Odysseus didn't realise his mother was dead
- she dies of heartache for her son
- tells him patient Penelope s and how noble his son is
- Laertes longs for his sons nostos
- in summer he sleeps on a pile leaves o high ground so that he can see if Odysseus is returning
- he tries to embrace his mother three times but each time he fails to do so
- poignant moment. Odysseus didn't realise his mother was dead
- Tyro
- wife of Aeolus's son
- feel in love with the river God Enipeus
- Lord Poseidon pretended to be Enipeus and slept with her
- 9 months later she gave birth to Pelias and Neleus
- ' a Gods love is never fruitless'
- they became servants of Zeus
- 9 months later she gave birth to Pelias and Neleus
- Lord Poseidon pretended to be Enipeus and slept with her
- Antiope
- she had two sons who founded Thebes, the city of the seven Gates
- Oedipus' mother then drank the blood
- Oedipus killed his father and took his mother for a bride
- Epicaste then hung herself
- Chloris
- she had a daughter called Pero
- her husband said that any man could marry their daughter if the could drive all the cattle away from Phylace
- one man attempted but was imprisoned
- one years later he was freed
- leda
- mother of Castor and Polydeuces
- these children spent half their time in the real world and the other half the in the land of the dead
- they were treated like Gods
- Iphimedia
- she slept with Poseidon and had twins called otus and Ephiates
- they were the tallest men on earth
- her sons threated to go to war with the gods
- but Hermes killed them
- Hermes then got given the name 'Hermes the giant slayer'
- but Hermes killed them
- she slept with Poseidon and had twins called otus and Ephiates
- Odysseus says its time for bed
- Alcinous asks him to continue, he would rather hear the story than to sleep
- Persephone drove away all the female spirits
- Agamemnon
- when he returned from try he was asked to Aegithus' palace
- he was killed and then Clytemnestra his wife killed his lover Cassandra at his side
- feels you can't be trustful of even your wife
- compliments Penelope for being 'wise'
- advises him to sail openly to Ithaca and to approach in secret
- Achilles
- Odysseus praises him for how on earth he is honoured as if he was a god
- Achilles hates the land of the dead as it lacks Kleos
- Odysseus tell him how noble his son is
- in the Trojan horse many of the men were terrified but he didn't tremble once
- Ajax
- Odysseus defeated him for the arms of ajax
- he apologies for defeating him and sending him to his grave
- Odyseeus blames Ajax's doom on zeus
- Ajax is still embittered and walks away
- punishments
- Titysus
- a pair of vultures plucked at his liver for eternity
- Tantatus stood in a pool of water
- every time he went to drink the water the pool dried up
- There was also a tress hanging over the pool with fresh fruit that were just out of reach
- Sisyphus pushed a boulder up a hill and every time he got close to the top the rock would fall down the hill again
- Titysus
- Circe tells them that their journey will start through the land of the dead
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