The Great matter and the Break with Rome
- Created by: Isabelle
- Created on: 06-04-14 13:23
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- The King's Great Matter and the Break from Rome, 1529-35
- Why annul the marriage?
- No male heir, Mary born 1516, feared Mary couldn't take throne as there had never been a female ruler
- Believed lack of son = punishment from God as married brother's wife
- Text in Leviticus says "If a man shall marry his brother's is an unclean thing...they shall be childless".
- Henry, matter of conscience, sinned + must atone
- Believed Pope didn't have power to allow such a marriage, therefore it never existed
- V.attracted to Anne B, wanted marriage + heir
- Why annulment case =weak?
- Another Biblical Text from Deuteronomy said man could marry brother's widow
- Leviticus said childless but Henry had a daughter
- Brother died 7yrs before marriage of H+CoA
- CoA claimed marriage to Arthur=not consummated
- Pope Julius II granted special 'dispensation' to allow H to marry CoA, hadn't exceeded powers
- Why the opposition?
- Affection towards A made it seem as though H just wanted younger, more attractive wife
- A=not popular @ court, part of faction vying for power + influence w/King
- H already had affair w/Mary, father Thomas used daughters to gain influence
- C=v.highly regarded @ court, devoted wife, despite H's affairs + 1 ******* son (H Fitzroy)
- Serious opposition from CoA, if she agreed, Mary=*******
- CoA refused papally inspired compromise where she would go to nunnery, dissolving her marriage
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor=C's nephew + most powerful man in Europe. 1527 troops captured Rome, Pope (ClementVII) essentially prisoner
- How did Wolsey handle divorce?
- Wolsey=Papal Legate, should secure Pope's agreement to annulment
- Given impossible task, used all skills as diplomat + statesman to achieve annulment
- Hoped made 'acting Pope' for a 'captured' Pope so could decide in King's favour but Pope refused
- Persuaded another Papal Legate, Cardinal Campeggio, to put nunnery plans to CoA
- Got Pope to agree to special court in Blackfriars 1529
- Just ploy by Pope to play fro time, before verdict reached, case revoked to Rome
- After failure of Blackriars + success of Charles V in Italy, H sacked W
- Just ploy by Pope to play fro time, before verdict reached, case revoked to Rome
- Role of Cranmer + Cromwell
- Thomas Cranmer
- Appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532 after Warham, who had opposed divorce
- Cambridge scholar, chaplain to Boleyn's, used by H on diplomatic missions + propagandist for divorce
- Cautious but married (illegal for clergymen) + theology increasingly influenced by Luther
- Pope agreed to elevation to Canterbury, even though suspected of favouring reform + hadn't held bishopric, appointment emphasised H's power over church
- Cranmer then married H + A declaring H never married CoA
- Later, behind theological structure of new CoE prayer books + articles of religion
- Thomas Cromwell
- Political architect of Henrican Reformation, helped to draft great statutes (Acts of Parliament) which created new church
- Although no great offices of state, he was secretary, H's most powerful + trusted adviser
- Didn't establish just legal framework but also skilled politician +propagandist for power of monarchy. Delivered H wanted from elevating royal power
- Principle architect of Dissolution of Monasteries (1536-40)
- Executed of heresy in 1540
- Thomas Cranmer
- Establishment of Royal Supremacy
- Supremacy established through Statute Laws- Acts of Parliament + on the basis the King was reaquring powers which his predeccessors had held
- Act in Restraint of Appeals: 1533 declared England = Empire + couldn't be under external power e.g Pope. No legal case could be decided in Rome
- Succession Act: 1534 marriage w/A = legal + pretended marriage w/CoA wasn't as Pope exceeded powers
- Anne's children=heirs + Mary=*******
- Act enforced by oath, important people had to swear to agree, More + Fisher refused this oath
- Act of Supremacy:1534 H = Supreme head of Church w/complete power, not revolution as 'English Kings always had this power'
- Reasons for support/opposition of Reformation
- Carried through by: King, powerful monarch; parliamentary statute, support of nation;thought was temporary
- Pope etc no widely popular in England, patriotic reformation?
- No changes in religious practice = good
- Many believed King would use church money appropriately e.g poverty, illness, education
- Reformers like Cranmer + Cromwell hoped to see properly reformed Church
- Some opposed, such as leading Bishops like Warham + Tunstall, who hoped to stall Henry
- CoA etc = appalled by it but C not prepared for rebellion
- More + Fisher + monks, like Carthusians, opposed it on principle
- Quite a lot of opposition from abroad, mainly from Charles V
- Why annul the marriage?
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