The History of Jazz Part 2
- Created by: Olivia Grace Matthews
- Created on: 19-05-15 11:39
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- The History of Jazz
- New York (1920 - 1930)
- Larger ensembles
- Emphasis on solo improvisation, not group polyphony
- Saxophone eventually replace clarinet
- Chords substituted
- Black and Tan Fantasy
- Duke Ellington
- Mood Indigo
- Swing (1930 - 1940)
- 16 or 18 players
- Clear divide between brass and wind
- Entertainment music
- Popular song melodies and harmonies. People danced
- Full Kit
- Entertainment music
- Antiphonal exchange between brass and woodwind
- Composed parts limited - opportunity for improv.
- Fill big halls therefore more players
- Stompin' at the Savoy (Benny Goodman)
- Swing rhythms - ride cymbal
- American Patrol (Glenn Miller)
- Bebop (1940 -1950
- Reaction against Swing
- All improv.
- 3 or 4 players
- Virtuosity
- Complex harmonies and melodies
- Shaw Nuff'
- KoKo
- New York (1920 - 1930)
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