The Goodness Of God
- Created by: Phoebe
- Created on: 09-04-13 14:57
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- The Goodness of God
- Interactive Goodness
- Makes demands of humanity
- God as a personality
- God reacts and cares to people
- Plato
- Goodness as a qulaity
- Differs from Judaeo-christian as qualities are inactive
- Interactive Goodness
- Makes demands of humanity
- Interactive Goodness
- Differs from Judaeo-christian as qualities are inactive
- Goodness as a qulaity
- Interaction of God
- Sets a standard for people to follow
- exodus 20: 10 commandments
- Sets a standard for people to follow
- Righteous Indigntition
- God is angered by injustice
- God cares about his creation
- God is angered by injustice
- God as a parent
- Hosea
- God is concerned with individual goodness
- Opposite of Universal form of good
- Form of the god
- Plato
- Goodness as a qulaity
- Differs from Judaeo-christian as qualities are inactive
- Differs from Judaeo-christian as qualities are inactive
- Goodness as a qulaity
- Plato
- Form of the god
- Opposite of Universal form of good
- God cannot be perfectly good and interact with his creation
- Interaction makes change and perfection is unchangeable
- God as a moral law giver
- Will judge those worthy of eternal life (heaven) on the basis of their faith and goodness.
- Primary enforcer of moral code
- Good actions
- Euthyphros Dilemma
- Is good a higher power than God
- Destroys the concept of God
- Aquinas said as god is perfectly good and has perfect knowledge he knows what to command
- Genesis- everything God makes is "good"
- Euthyphros Dilemma
- Is good a higher power than God
- Destroys the concept of God
- Aquinas said as god is perfectly good and has perfect knowledge he knows what to command
- Genesis- everything God makes is "good"
- therefore things are good because God controls them
- therefore things are good because God controls them
- Genesis- everything God makes is "good"
- therefore things are good because God controls them
- Euthyphros Dilemma
- Genesis- everything God makes is "good"
- Euthyphros Dilemma
- Interactive Goodness
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