The Genetic Explanation of Phobias
A mindmap about the Genetic Explanation of Phobias (24 marks)
- Created by: Lauren Tadsh
- Created on: 17-12-12 14:51
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- The Genetic Explanation of Phobias
- A01
- Genes - Passed down from parents - makes up personality
- Could inherit over-sensitive autonomic NS
- More of an anxious personality - naturally show more anxiety towards threatening stimuli
- Twin studies - mz twins share 100% genes - there should be a higher Cc rate in MZ twins than DZ twins
- Parents would show similar behavioural characteristicsas their child when shown a phobic stimuli
- A02
- SOLYOM ET AL (1974) - 45% of ppts with phobia found family history of at least 1 person with the same phobia
- OST (1981) People with blood phobia 64% of 25 cases, the blood phobic had at least one close relative who also suffered from blood phobia
- Theory suggests - genetic trait 'inhibition' increases the likelihood of phobia passing to offspring
- + by Rosenbaum et al (1991) rents of the 'inhibited' children were twice more likely to show anxiety in a new situation than those of the control group (panic disorders)
- A02
- interviewed 722 female twins with a lifetime history of phobias. Found - a lower Cc rate in MZ twins for agoraphobia than DZ twins. Shared environment provided better explanation
- A01
- SOLYOM ET AL (1974) - 45% of ppts with phobia found family history of at least 1 person with the same phobia