English GCSE - The Falling Leaves
- Created by: Georgia-Star
- Created on: 21-05-13 12:53
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- The Falling Leaves - Margaret Postgate Cole
- What's it about?
- The autumn leaves falling from the trees remind the poet of soldiers being killed at war.
- Form
- Made up of one stanza that contains one complex sentence. The lines are all different lengths which could represent the random way the leaves fall. There is a regular rhyme scheme.
- Structure
- Before the semi-colon the poet describes the leaves falling and after she talks about the soldiers dying.
- Formal language
- Uses formal, old fashioned language. This adds dignity to the comparison made.
- Natural imagery
- Falling leaves and dying men are compared to snowflakes to highlight the number of men that died and how silent and quickly it happened.
- Sadness
- Calm, reflective tone of sadness
- Regret
- Sense of sorrow for the deaths that happened for no reason
- Respect
- Poet shows respect for those killed
- Comparisons
- Death - Out of the Blue, Mametz Wood, Come On Come Back; Sadness and loss - Futility, Poppies.
- What's it about?
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