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?- Created by: Alison Curwen
- Created on: 16-03-15 08:30
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- The Enabling Act was the most important factor in allowing Hitler to consolidate his power from 1933-34
- Reichstag fire
- German Parliment on fire
- German blames communist- Van der Lubbe
- Hitler persuades Hinderberg to disperse/disban comminust party
- gives other parties more power
- Hitler persuades Hinderberg to disperse/disban comminust party
- German blames communist- Van der Lubbe
- German Parliment on fire
- The Night of the Long Knives - consolidated power over his party
- Hitler kills people from his own party who threaten his power
- 30 June 1934-2 July 1934
- short and brutal
- The death of President Hindenburg -August 1934
- allows Hitler to control army
- gives Hitler complete and total power over Germany
- allows Hitler to control army
- Wall Street crash
- stock prices prices fell
- lack of money
- high unemployment
- Untitled
- high unemployment
- Beer Hall Putsch
- Hitler took over to get support for his Nazi Party
- arrested and put in prison for 9 months
- Mein Kampf
- voices/writes his opinions
- Mein Kampf
- arrested and put in prison for 9 months
- Hitler took over to get support for his Nazi Party
- Treaty of Versailles 1919
- Germany owes countries A LOT of money
- puts Germany in debt
- can't pay- people starving/unemployed
- Hitler plays to peoples fears- they want a leader
- can't pay- people starving/unemployed
- puts Germany in debt
- Germany owes countries A LOT of money
- gives Hitler power to make laws without going to Parliment/president
- 3/4 Reichstag agreed
- Reichstag fire