The Early Cold War Years
- Created by: emily997
- Created on: 26-01-14 11:19
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- The Early Years of the Cold War
- competition between US and USSR
- Constant political conflict between the two superpowers as both tried to spread their influence globally and promote their own political and economic systems
- Economic compeition
- Both sides gave financial aid to less-developed countries especially Africa and Asia to gain their support
- Huge spending by both sides on armed forces so to gain advantage over rival
- the Arms Race
- US developed atomic bomb in 1945 and USSR tested own in 1949
- continued to both develop more destructive bombs
- and missile systems to deliver them across the world
- US developed atomic bomb in 1945 and USSR tested own in 1949
- continued to both develop more destructive bombs
- and missile systems to deliver them across the world
- and missile systems to deliver them across the world
- continued to both develop more destructive bombs
- US developed atomic bomb in 1945 and USSR tested own in 1949
- and missile systems to deliver them across the world
- continued to both develop more destructive bombs
- "Buffer Zone" Eastern Europe Stalin
- Stalin wanted to strengthen and secure USSR after 1945
- By 1948 Hungary, Bulgaria,Romania, Poland,Czechoslovakia
- and East Germany = under control of Soviet-supported communist governments
- Spread of communism in Eastern Europe worried many Americans
- Thought that USSR would push more countries into communism
- President Truman's foreign policy dedicated to stopping other countries turning communist
- The Berlin Blockade 1948-1949
- Berlin = old German capital, deep inside Soviet-controlled East Germany
- Divided into western half = US, Britain and France. Eastern half = USSR
- June 1948
- Stalin blocked access into West Berlin to force Western powers out however they used planes to drop supplies to the West Berliners
- USSR didn't want to risk a war so didn't shoot the planes down
- June 1948
- Divided into western half = US, Britain and France. Eastern half = USSR
- Stalin accepted defeat and blockade ended May 1949
- USSR didn't want to risk a war so didn't shoot the planes down
- Berlin = old German capital, deep inside Soviet-controlled East Germany
- US = confused Nationalism and Communism
- US saw duty to stop any communist take over
- Saw itself as leader of the free non-communist world
- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [NATO]
- 1949; built military alliance to counter Soviet aggression (mainly in Europe)
- US divided world into pro and anti communist
- Meant they tended to overrate importance of communist elements in nationalist movements
- Nationalist movements fighting for political independence from colonial rulers e.g. Britain and France
- Meant they tended to overrate importance of communist elements in nationalist movements
- US saw duty to stop any communist take over
- competition between US and USSR
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