the digestive Process
- Created by: Libby-Beth
- Created on: 02-03-15 11:23
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- The Digestive process
- Mastication
- Teeth break down food in order to swallow and create a larger surface area for enzymes (catalysts ) to work on. Amylase is the enzyme in saliva .
- Stomach
- has three layers of muscle. the food process takes around 2-3 hours in the stomach. bacteria is present. there is also watery mucus. when food is leavingthe stomach to go to the small intestine it has been curchen into acreamy substance called chyme.
- the stomach has Hydrocloric acid to break foods down. Also Renin- churns food into a solid and is broken down by pepsin. pepsin begins the break down of proteins and only splits once in contact with hydrochloric acid. Lipase is also present in the stomach and that is the fat the water mixes with in the gall bladded to mix with bile.
- Large intestine/colon
- watery residue moves the faeces along to the rectum and is excreted. this is a learnt behaviour, the whole process on average takes 12-14 hour quicker with dietary fibre.
- Pancreas
- Pancreatic Juices. Trypsin/Chymotrypsin. breaks down protein to peptides and amino acids . Pancreatic Amylase breaks down starch and glycogen to maltose. Lipase breaks down the fat. its all broken down to smaller molecules to be absorbed by the body.
- gall bladder
- Bile is made and stored. fat is broken down and becomes emulsify with water in order to mix with bile. Bile contains bile salts which helps withthe absorbtion of fat soluble vitamins.
- Oesophagus
- the theeth and tounge create a ball shape (bolus) to swallow which takes around 3-6 seconds and is helped along by peristalsis. it is a non conscience response and would still happen if upside down.
- small intestine
- has three chamber; duodenum; jejunum; ileum. its is 6 meters long the villi increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients.
- Mastication
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