The Constitution
Mind Map of main points on constitution
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Hannah
- Created on: 13-01-13 16:56
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- The Constitution
- Sources
- Statute Law
- Common Law
- Conventions
- Authoritative Works
- EU Law
- Principles
- Parliamentary Sovereignty
- Rule of Law
- Unitary State
- Parliamentary Government
- Constitutional Monarchy
- Strengths and Weaknesses of traditional constitution
- Tried and tested - evolved
- Coherent Whole
- Clear centre
- Provided for responsible gov
- Responsible gov
- Rule of Law protects citizens
- Flexible
- Outdated - pre-demoractic elements
- Excessive centerlisation
- Few oppurtunities for citizen involvement
- Individual rights weak
- Prione to manipulation
- Parliamentary Sovereignty
- Can legislate on any metter
- Legislation cannot be overturned
- Cannot bind successors
- EU
- Devolution
- Referndums
- Labour's Constitutional Reforms
- Exttensive package of reforms
- Ongoing reform
- Further checks and balances
- Rights of citizens strengthened
- key legislation likely to endure
- Evolutionary, not revolutionary
- Not a cherent whole
- Radical changes rejected
- Unfiinished
- Power still concentrated in executive
- UK needs codified constitution?
- Logical conclusion of reforms
- Greater clarity
- Authoritative refernce point for courts
- Set limits on states
- Greater protection of rights
- Better inform citizens about workings of political system
- Pragmatic adaptation works wekk
- How?
- What to include?
- Rigid
- Give judges greater political power
- No great popular demand
- Sources