The Collapse of Détente : American reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
- Created by: sammilaw
- Created on: 01-03-14 20:23
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- The Collapse of Détente : American reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
- Carter Doctrine
- American President, Carter was appalled at Soviet aggression.
- He argued that USA would not allow USSR to gain control of territory in the oil-rich Middle East.
- He took a number of steps to try to remove Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
- An alliance was made with China and Israel to support Afghan rebels.
- The CIA provided weapons and funds for the Mujahideen.
- The Mujahideen were fighting to free Afghanistan from Soviet control.
- Carter imposed economic sanctions stopping all trade with the Soviet Union.
- Ended diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
- American President, Carter was appalled at Soviet aggression.
- The End of Détente
- Carter's actions effectively ended détente.
- Carter withdraw his support for the SALT II agreement.
- SALT II would have reduced stocks of nuclear missiles to 2250 warheads for each superpower.
- Carter led a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games.
- Around 60 countries (incl. China, Malawi, West Germany) refused to attend the games.
- The American government set up an alternative called the Olympic Boycott Games.
- In retaliation for the 1980 boycott, the USSR and 14 Communist countries refused to attend the Los Angeles Olympic Games.
- The Friendship Games was the Communist alternative.
- By 1980, détente was dead. The Afghanistan invasion and American response meant that superpower relations were at their lowest since the CMC in 1962.
- Carter Doctrine
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