The Collapse of Detente
- Created by: Christian Shand
- Created on: 09-04-14 15:03
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- The Collapse of Detente
- The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Christmas 1979
- Marxist Government deposed in 1979
- Brezhnev Doctrine - could protect socialism under threat
- Situation more complex - did not anticipate Mujaheddin
- Catalyst for Collapse of Detente in 1979
- Cuban (Communist) forces sent to Angola
- Revolutions in Iran and Nicaragua
- Soviet Missiles sent to Eastern Europe and build up of troops
- NATO responded with cruise missile deployment
- Soviets invaded Afgahanistan
- USA Reaction
- Military intervention in Persia if necessary
- Reagan elected - disliked USSR
- Olympic Boycott 1980 and reciprocal boycott of LA games in 1984
- Soviets failed in Afghanistan
- Heavy armour against guerillas
- Mounting death toll and cost
- Motives - Afghans religious - soviets political
- Increasing internal question as to why there
- Reagan Elected in 1981
- "Not scared" of soviets - no compromise
- Arms limitation talks - zero tolerance
- Strategic Defence Intiative - Star Wars 1983
- The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Christmas 1979
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