Early Cold War mindmap
- Created by: Flo
- Created on: 22-05-13 10:36
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- The Cold War
- Origins
- AIMS Stalin= Reparations from Germany, Buffer zone of friendly states.US= Help Germany, prevent Europe from communism
- POTSDAM (July 1945)- Tensions surface. Agree to trial Nazi's, disagree on Soviet policy in Poland
- Salami Tactics (Communism in E.Europe
- Origins
- IDEOLOGY- Russia= Communist USA= Capitalist
- Origins
- AIMS Stalin= Reparations from Germany, Buffer zone of friendly states.US= Help Germany, prevent Europe from communism
- POTSDAM (July 1945)- Tensions surface. Agree to trial Nazi's, disagree on Soviet policy in Poland
- Origins
- YALTA (Feb 1945)- Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt divide Germany into 4 zones + gov of communists and non-communists in Poland.
- Albania(1945) Communnist took power after war without opposition.
- Events 1946-1948
- The Cold War
- Salami Tactics (Communism in E.Europe
- Fulton (IRON CURTAIN) Speech March 1946. Societ bloc in E.Europe( Stanlin though was necessary for USSR safety.
- COMINFORM(Oct 1947)- Stalin forbade communist countries to accept Marshall Aid.
- The Cold War
- TRUMAN DOCTRINE (1947) Policy of containment towards USSR. Stop spread of communism.
- Events 1946-1948
- Fulton (IRON CURTAIN) Speech March 1946. Societ bloc in E.Europe( Stanlin though was necessary for USSR safety.
- COMINFORM(Oct 1947)- Stalin forbade communist countries to accept Marshall Aid.
- Events 1946-1948
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