The City Planners
- Created by: Ramy24
- Created on: 28-04-14 17:54
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- The City Planners
- Theme
- A Neighbourhood
- The persona is cruising through a residential area on a Sunday in August at midday and there is no sight of anyone on the street.
- Imagery
- Nature
- The persona is implying that nature will take back what was once hers in the sense that the city planers destroy her territory.
- A plastic hose poised in a vicious coil. Gives the image on a snake in our mind which i giving life to nature to something that isnt alive.
- It also gives imagery that this residential area is rebuking and getting mad at any imperfections it finds
- Tone
- Negative
- The persona is disgusted by the perfection of the neighborhood and how everything looks unnatural it offends her.
- Structure
- There are 6 stanzas in this poem and they are not the same shape and there is a run on line from one of the stanzas to an other
- Theme
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