The circulatory system
- Created by: paddlergirl1306
- Created on: 15-04-14 14:00
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- The circulatory system
- veIN = IN to the heart
- Artery = Away from the heart
- The heart
- heart contracts to pump blood around body
- Has 4 chambers
- blood flows into the 2 atria via the vena carva (right) & the pulmonary vein (left)
- the atria contract, pushing blood into the ventricles
- the ventricles contract = forces blood into pulmonary artery (right) & aorta (left) - out of the heart
- blood then flows to organs via arteries, returning via veins
- the atria fill & process repeats
- blood then flows to organs via arteries, returning via veins
- the ventricles contract = forces blood into pulmonary artery (right) & aorta (left) - out of the heart
- the atria contract, pushing blood into the ventricles
- blood flows into the 2 atria via the vena carva (right) & the pulmonary vein (left)
- has valves to make sure blood flows in right direction - prevent it flowing backwards
- walls of heart are mostly made of muscle tissue
- Has 4 chambers
- Double Circulatory system
- 2 circuits joined together
- 1st pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
- Oxygen is added
- The oxygenated blood then goes back to the heart
- Oxygen is added
- 2nd pumps oxygenated blood around all the other organs of the body
- the blood gives its oxygen to the body cells
- the deoxygenated blood returns to the heart to be pumped out to the lungs again
- the blood gives its oxygen to the body cells
- 1st pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
- 2 circuits joined together
- heart contracts to pump blood around body
- The Components of blood
- Plasma
- pale straw colour & carries things around the body
- red blood cells
- antibodies & antitoxins
- white blood cells
- hormones
- carbon dioxide
- from the organs to the lungs
- Urea
- From the liver to the kidneys
- Platelets
- nutrients - e.g. glucose & amino acids
- the soluble products of digestion - absorbed from gut & taken to cells of the body
- pale straw colour & carries things around the body
- red blood cells
- carry oxygen
- from lungs to all cells in the body
- doesn't have a nucleus
- allows more room to carry oxygen
- Has a bi-concaved shape
- to give a large surface area for absorbing oxygen
- contains a red pigment = haemoglobin
- carry oxygen
- White blood cells
- defend against disease
- Lymphocyte
- produce antibodies to fight pathogens
- Phagocyte
- change shape to engulf pathogens
- Lymphocyte
- defend against disease
- platelets
- are small fragments of cells
- have no nucleus
- Help with bllood clotting
- Plasma
- Blood vessels
- Arteries
- contain thick layers of muscle to make them strong & elastic fibres to let them stretch
- The walls are thick compared to the lumen
- pumps blood out at high pressure
- Capilliaries
- are v. small
- arteries branch into capilliaries
- carry the blood really close to every cell in body to exchange substances with them
- walls are usually only 1 cell thick
- increases rate of diffusion - decreases distance it has to diffuse
- walls are usually only 1 cell thick
- supply food & oxygen and take away waste products e.g CO2
- Veins
- have bigger 'lumen' than arteries to help blood flow despite the lower pressure
- blood is at lower pressure in veins
- So walls don't need to be as thick as artery walls
- have valves to keep blood flowing in right direction
- Arteries
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