The challenge of science and psychology
- Created by: Phoebe
- Created on: 12-04-13 20:59
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- The challenge of science
- The Big Bang Theory
- Edwin Hubble
- The Theory of Evolution
- Charles Darwin carried out research that made the idea acceptable
- Empirical evidence
- The red shift
- the cosmic microwave background radiation
- Sir Charles Lyell
- The challenge of Geology
- Challenges literal view of the bible
- geological processes of the earth such as erosion must have taken place over millions of years
- According to the bible and the work of James Ussher the earth was created in 4004BCE
- The challenge of Geology
- Creationist Counter-argument
- The belief that nature is all there is is an assumption
- If scientists are allowed there assumption that there is no God Creationists are allowed that there is
- Variation within an organism is accepted but the unverified theory of evolution of species changing is not
- The belief that the big bang which brought after years of evolution people takes an enormous amount of faith to accept
- More evidence than for God
- The bible comes from God. God doesn't get things wrong, therefore if science and the bible don't agree scientists are mistaken
- Intelligent design (neo-creationism)
- The Big Bang Theory
- The challenge of psychology
- Ludwig Feuerbach
- Religion is a psychological comforter
- Criticisms
- A human need for God does not disprove his existence
- Religion is a psychological comforter
- A human need for God does not disprove his existence
- Sigmund Freud
- God is a concept created by the super ego
- Religion is 'wish fufillment'
- Criticisms
- No evidence...Untestable theory
- Carl Jung
- Student of Freud
- Sigmund Freud
- God is a concept created by the super ego
- Religion is 'wish fufillment'
- Criticisms
- No evidence...Untestable theory
- Sigmund Freud
- Religion is healthy and harmonises the Psyche
- Shared similar ideas as Freuds idea of the id
- Supported religion
- Disagreed with Freud - the removal of religion could be detrimental as there is a spiritual side to human life
- Student of Freud
- Ludwig Feuerbach
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