Bloody Chamber criticism
- Created by: Rebecca Elton
- Created on: 10-01-13 17:14
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- Criticism for the Bloody Chamber as a whole
- Original reception was contrasting.
- Ellen Cronan Rose approved the reversal of stereotypical gender roles as "a critique of the idea of womanhood sanctioned by Patriarchy and a suggested alternative to it".
- Patricia Duncker believed that the moral values of fairy stories are embedded in their structure and Carter's adaptations cannot escape that fact.
- Helen Simpson believes the stories are "a darkly ****** reworking"
- Angela Carter made it clear that, "My intention was not to do 'versions' or, as the American edition of the book said, horribly "adult 'fairy tales', but to extract the latent content from the traditional stories and use it as the beginnings of new stories".
- "I wanted a lush fin-de-siècle décor for the story...and a style that...utilises the heightened diction of the novelette, to half-seduce the reader into this wicked, glamorous, fatal world".
- "Carter was an abstract thinker with an intensely visual imagination." Helen Simpson
- Original reception was contrasting.
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