How Did Louis Napoleon Come To Dominate The 2nd Republic?
- Created by: BF
- Created on: 17-03-14 20:46
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- How Did Louis Napoleon Come To Dominate The 2nd Republic?
- Weak Opposition
- 1848 Elections
- Appeal to all classes
- Thiers and other politicians felt that they could manipulate Louis Napoleon
- Weak Opposition
- No partake in the June Days- was in exiled in April 1848
- Provisional Government
- Universal suffrage for men
- Right to work- given and then taken away
- The 'dole'- Economy could not provide for all of the unemployed- 120,000 given the dole, 50,000 still left unprovided for
- The removal of the right to work angered the artisans- they aimed to continue the 1848 revolution- uprising crushed by Cavaignac
- Set up by Lamartine
- Religious Policies
- Supported the Pope in Italy when there was a threat of revolution there
- This appearance of being a good catholic won popularity with the silent catholic rural majority
- Supported the Pope in Italy when there was a threat of revolution there
- Political Policies
- First political campaign of its sort
- Importance of his NAME- Napoleon!
- Not involved in the June Days- used as a political stunt to sympathise with its victims
- Represented glory to the peasants and state intervention and socialism to the artisans
- Personality
- In prison for 6 years after 2nd coup- still felt it his destiny to rule France
- Either in exile or prison for the majority of his early life- unknown figure
- Liberal upbringing
- Developement of Bonapartism
- Publishments
- Napoleon's revival under Louis-Philippe
- Arc De Triomphe
- Return of the ashes
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