The emergence of two seperate Germany's.
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?- Created by: Amelia Louise Harris
- Created on: 08-02-16 10:02
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- The Western allies were the ones responsible for the emergence of two separate German Sates.
- They WERE responsible.
- They abandoned the Level of industry plan in1946 because they feared communism in West Germany.
- Bizonia was seen as a political merging of the USA and Britain not an economic merge.
- The Truman Doctrine 1947. publically announced the USA's dedication to stopping the spread of communism.
- Marshal aid offered economic aid to any country under the threat of communism.
- The Truman Doctrine 1947. publically announced the USA's dedication to stopping the spread of communism.
- The Bank Deustcher Lander, bank for the Western allies as the USSR refused to accept talks of currency reforms.
- At the London Conference the Western allies agreed to create a federal government despite the USSR's protests.
- The Creation of Trizonia in 1948 now excluded the USSR only.
- Currency reform in 1948 separated the USSR further, they couldn't be a part of the same economic unit without accepting the reform.
- Basic Law and the creation of the FRG in 1949 officially meant the separation of Germany unless the USSR agreed to merge.
- They WERENT the ones responsible.
- The reparations taken from the Eastern zone were around 3 x's more than what was agreed at Potsdam.
- The USSR refused to accept the proposal that Germany should only pay one set of reparations after they were economically stable/able and that what they had already taken should be deducted.
- Rapid introduction of Communist policies, introduce Communist mayors and deputy mayors in most Landers.
- the Ulbricht Group 1945, trained German Communists allowing a political system to be established by late 1945 .
- Rapid introduction of Communist policies, introduce Communist mayors and deputy mayors in most Landers.
- The USA was pushed into withdrawing it trade agreement with the Eastern zones.
- The USSR then began to obstruct administrative work for all four Zones.
- They then stopped delivering agricultural goods to Western Zones.
- The Berlin Blockade confirmed Western suspicions that the USSR was planning to spread communism.
- A soviet fighter plane crashed with a British transport plane approaching Berlin, the USSR claimed the British had violated air safety regulations and were to blame.
- Cold war tensions e.g. Cuba etc...
- The USSR refused to accept the proposal that Germany should only pay one set of reparations after they were economically stable/able and that what they had already taken should be deducted.
- The USSR created the German Economic Commission in response to economic developments in the West which developed a separate plan for the Soviet Zone.
- The reparations taken from the Eastern zone were around 3 x's more than what was agreed at Potsdam.
- They WERE responsible.
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