the use and abuse of the environment
- Created by: noodles.07
- Created on: 03-01-22 19:51
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- the use and abuse of the environment
- christianity
- Creation has a unique value in God's eyes - God gave permission for people to rule over creation in a way that sustains environment
- natural resources are not to be abused
- new methods of obtaining gas for every are causing a lot of controversy
- 7.3 million hectares of forest are lost each year
- they believe they should avoid waste, conserve energy and reduce the demand for natural resources
- being in charge of creation doesn't give them the right to spoil what god has made
- humans are tenants of god's world
- natural resources are not to be abused
- pope francis called on everyone to act to protect the environment
- "the earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth
- Creation has a unique value in God's eyes - God gave permission for people to rule over creation in a way that sustains environment
- Islam
- "eat and drink[as we have been permitted] but do not be extravagant: God does not like extravagant people"
- muslims are taught the importance of replanting trees as part of God's instructions for humans as khalifah on earth
- "do not seek from it more than what you need"
- each muslim has a responsibility to not overuse the world's resources
- the Islamic foundation for ecology and environmental sciences has developed a specifically islamic approach to environmental protection
- christianity
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