The spread of bacterial & viral diseases in the twentieth century
- Created by: Crmorgan2003
- Created on: 08-06-19 14:40
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- The spread of bacterial viral diseases in the twentieth century
- Spanish Flu
- 1918, a pandemic spread around the world.
- up to 40 million people died from this pandemic.
- Troops in WW1 helped to transmit the disease.
- The HIV/AIDS threat
- 1981 - first case of Aids reported in the USA.
- Spread through blood or body fluids of infected people.
- it destroys the body's immune person.
- by 2000 - 30 million infected with AIDS.
- Worst affected area was Africa - 63% infected.
- Spanish Flu
- 1918 - 19
- 7 million deaths were reported in Spain.
- It killed 280,000 people in the UK.
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