The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
- Created by: Himee Senanayake
- Created on: 06-06-18 11:19
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- The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
- Impact on relations
- put detente to an end
- 2nd cold war?
- Reagan vowed to stand up to communism - 'evil'
- 1980 presidential elections in USA
- Reagan argued detente made USA weak
- put detente to an end
- What happened?
- war in Afghanistan lasts ten years
- USA supplies mujaheddin with money and weapons
- 1.5 million civilian debts
- war costs USSR $8 billion per year
- Salt 2 abandoned
- Economic sanctions imposed on USSR by USA
- Carter Doctrine announced
- US boycott of Moscow Olympics
- USSR boycott of LA Olympics
- Build up to the invasion
- April 1978 pro-Soviet government took control in Afghanistan
- received economic assistance from Moscow
- September 1979 Hafzullah Amin staged a popular coup
- his government became increasingly unpopular
- other pro-Muslim factions tried to overthrow him
- December 1979 Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan
- Amin was assassinated by Soviet commanders on December 27th
- was replaced by Babrak Kamal
- Soviets remained in Afghanistan for 10 years
- April 1978 pro-Soviet government took control in Afghanistan
- The American Reaction
- the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
- hated this
- Americans saw it as the USSR to spread communism abroad
- President Carter withdrew the Salt 2 proposal
- Carter Doctrine January 1980
- the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
- Impact on relations
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