The second Provisional Government, July-October

  • Created by: Tori
  • Created on: 03-06-20 17:24
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  • The second Provisional Government, July-October
    • Kerensky as prime minister
      • Kerensky had many strengths, and his appointment as head of government persuaded many Bolsheviks that they were beaten.
        • Strengths:
          • Kerensky was a charismatic leader and a gifted public speaker.
          • He understood the importance of propaganda and thus had his public appearances filmed, and played in cinemas.
          • Understood the importance of patriotism.
          • Skilful politician.
            • Cultivated good relationships with Mensheviks and liberals in order to ensure that his government worked harmoniously.
            • Before the Revolution Kerensky was a lawyer who specialised in defending revolutionaries.
              • Thus, he knew many of the Soviet's leaders.
      • Kerensky's weaknesses
        • He had very little administrative experience prior to forming his first government.
          • Thus, he didn't fully understand how to run the government.
        • He was also addicted to cocaine and morphine, which he used to help cope with the pressure of the role.
      • Kerensky's policies
        • Kerensky wanted to restore domestic order.
          • Thus, he imposed repression, including:
            • -Press censorship
            • -The establishment of military courts.
              • Set out to punish deserters and Bolsheviks who were spreading anti-war propaganda in the army.
            • -The death penalty for insubordination in the army.
          • Additionally, he promised more effective and efficient grain distribution to ensure that urban workers had food to eat.
            • However, he was unable to persuade the peasants to trade their grain.
              • This was because he refused to raise the price the government would pay.
              • Thus, his policy failed.
                • The amount of bread available in Petrograd in late 1917 was just over half that had been available a year earlier.
          • Following the failure of the June Offensive, Kerensky abandoned plans to launch new military campaigns.
            • Additionally,  the Russian army disintegrated due to:
              • -Mass desertions
              • -Austrian and German forces lanuched new attacks on Russian territory, capturing Riga (capital of Latvia) in August.
                • This caused panic that Russia's enemies were preparing to conquer Petrograd.
    • The July Days had threatened to overthrow the government.
      • Prince Lvov resigned, and Kerensky responded by forming a 'government of salvation of the revolution'.
        • The second PG was based on a new coalition between moderate socialists and the Kadets.
    • The membership of the new government
      • Kerensky became head of government at a time of crisis.
        • Many socalists had lost faith in the government and Kadet leaders refused to serve in a socialist-led government.
          • Thus, Kerensky struggled to assemble a coalition.
      • His cabinet contained 3 Kadets.
        • The majority of Kadets had abandoned liberalism, believeing that Russia needed a military dictatorship.
        • The Kadets in the cabinet didn't represent the mainstream of the party.
          • Therefore, they didn't win the support of the majority of Kadets.
      • It also contained SRs and Mensheviks.
        • However, these parties were also split.
          • Additionally, the Srs were suspicious of the Kadets, which made holding the government together difficult.
      • Soclalist factions
        • By July the Mensheviks and the SRs were split.
          • The rght-wing factions favoured revolutionary defencism, and support for the PG.
            • However, the left-wing factions favoured policies such as Soviet power, workers' control of industry and a separte peace to end the war with Germany.
  • The July Days had threatened to overthrow the government.
    • Prince Lvov resigned, and Kerensky responded by forming a 'government of salvation of the revolution'.
      • The second PG was based on a new coalition between moderate socialists and the Kadets.


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