The Second Civil War
- Created by: Lizz2002
- Created on: 04-01-21 11:06
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- The Second Civil War
- The Engagement, 1647
- Charles escaped to the Ilse of Wight and opened negotiations with the Scots
- Charles hoped Scotland would be more sympathetic and the Scots hoped Charles would agree to Presbyterian unlike the army
- Charles agreed to three years of Presbyterian worship in exchange for support of the Scottish army. He expected that after three years he would once again have control of religion and the military
- There was much general support for the restoration of a royal government
- Charles escaped to the Ilse of Wight and opened negotiations with the Scots
- Parliament's Reaction
- Negotiations with the scots seen as treacherous
- Parliament voted to no longer negotiate with the king and aligned with the English army
- Began to think they could manage without a king
- Negotiations with the scots seen as treacherous
- Outbreaks of Fighting, 1648
- The army put down royalist protests in Norwich and Kent
- There were other royalist risings in Cornwall, Essex, Yorkshire, and Wales
- Scots attempted to invade in July but were held up in Yorkshire
- They were defeated by Cromwell in August
- Further Reaction
- Charles was held captive for the entirety of the second war
- The army saw Charles as a "man of blood" who caused the war, and that God was on their side since they had won twice
- They prevent parliament from reopening negotiations with the king, and said that he alone was responsible and should pay the price
- The Engagement, 1647
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