The Search for a Settlement (1646-49)

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  • Search for a Settlement 1646-49
    • Parliament
      • Scots
        • King
          • Scots
            • Surrenders '46
              • Engages late '47
          • Parl
            • Get King
              • Settlement Propositions
                • Vote of No Addresses
                  • 2nd Civil War
          • Army
            • Take King in June '47
              • Settlement/ Politicisation
                • 2nd CW
                  • trial and execution
                • Politicisation of the NMA
        • Give King to Parl
        • Encour. Scot Royalists to invade 1648
          • Defeated at Preston by Cromwell
      • NMA
        • Radicals
          • Levellers
            • Agreement of the People
            • Infiltrate NMA
              • Putney Debates
                • No Grandee Support
        • Politi. when grievances ignored (Humble Petition)
          • Solemn Engagement (tell P to stop trying to sett. with King)
            • Grandees - Heads of Prop
            • Rank and File, Representation of Army (army's right to be inv. with politics)
              • King's escape brings two sides back together
                • Grandees - Heads of Prop
                • 2nd CW
                  • Preston, Colchester, local reb.
                  • Pride's Purge
                    • Trial and Exec
            • WP Meeting 1648 - meeting of rel. rads and army officials - first idea of bringing C to justice
        • Rel Rad
          • Radicals
            • Levellers
              • Agreement of the People
              • Infiltrate NMA
                • Putney Debates
                  • No Grandee Support
        • Rel freedom, God's provenance, godly discipline
      • Pol Pres
        • Maj
          • Cons/ mods want settlement
            • Vote to disband Army
              • 2nd CW
                • Maj of MPs want a settlement
                  • but some want trial
              • Politicisation of the NMA
      • Pol Ind
        • Min
          • radical
            • Officer MPs
              • 2nd CW
                • Maj of MPs want a settlement
                  • but some want trial


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