The Role of the Church in the late 11th Century.
- Created by: hctisg
- Created on: 22-09-17 10:49
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- The Role of the Church in the late 11th Century.
- Spread of Christianity
- Many countries were converted to Christianity in the 11th century due to its rapid spread.
- Countries such as Poland reverted back to paganism.
- Scandinavia became one of the last countries to convert to Christianity.
- This conversion was gradual due to the German leadership and was finalised in the northern crusades.
- Many nomadic tribes became allies of the church in the aftermath of the east/west schism in 1054
- East/West Schism
- These became western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox.
- The great separation divided the church into Latin West and Greek Eastern.
- The relationship between east and west had long been in tatters by political and ecclesiastical differences. As well as theological differences.
- The split was also instigated between linguistic differences between the east and west.
- The official split was in 1054 when the Pope excommunicated Michael Cerularius the Patriarch of Constantinople and his papal legates.
- Investiture Contest
- The Investiture Contest was where the pope would challenge European authority.
- The initial contest was between Pope Gregory and Henry IV.
- The Investiture contest ended in 1122.
- There was also a brief and insignificant struggle between Pope Pascal and King Henry I of England between 1103-1107
- Spread of Christianity
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