The Rise and Appeal of Nazism - Germany
- Created by: RConwa_y
- Created on: 04-05-18 08:14
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- The Rise and Appeal of Nazism
- The Munich Putsch
- The failed 1923 attempted putsch led to a change in tactics. The Nazis would take power legitimately
- The putsch brought Hitler national publicity
- Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison. He served 9 months
- The Nazi Party, 1924-29
- Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in prison, which set out his ideas for Germany
- During his time in prison, the Nazi party collapsed. He had to rebuild
- The Weimar Republic looked strong and the Nazis only had 12 seats in 1928
- Hitler built support. He established the Hitler Youth and Students' League
- In 1929, Goebbels was put in charge of Propaganda
- The Depression
- The Weimar Government appeared weak and unable to deal with the crisis
- Unemployment was rising. The Nazis provided work
- Many people feared communism
- Industrialist support. They feared communism
- Nazis appealed to many different groups. Making them all promises
- Propaganda reinforced Nazi promises
- Technology - in 1929 Hitler arrived at election meetings via plane
- Hitler's image as a hero and a great orator
- Weak and divided opposition
- 1928 - 12 seats in Reichstag; 1933 - 288 seats
- The Munich Putsch
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