The relationship between sociological theories and research methods
- Created by: 11pyoung
- Created on: 13-05-18 14:49
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- The relationship between sociological theories and research methods
- Functionalism and methodology
- The application of positivist methods: Durkheim and suicide
- Evaluation
- Weber
- Used the idea of verstehen to argue that you had to understand the meanings and motives of social actions before you could explain them
- Weber
- Durkheim
- Positivist methods could be used to study the sociological causes of suicide rates
- Claimed to find four types of suicide that were linked to how strongly integrated people were into society and how strongly regulated they were by society
- Positivist methods could be used to study the sociological causes of suicide rates
- Evaluation
- Concentrates on analysing the role and function of institutions in society
- The application of positivist methods: Durkheim and suicide
- Interpretivism, social action and methodology
- The application of interpretivist methods to the study of suicide
- Jack Douglas
- It was misleading o treat all suicides as social facts, because the meaning of suicide varies greatly in different societies
- Jack Douglas
- Phenomenology and methodology
- Phenomenology and the study of suicide
- Maxwell Atkinson
- Whether somebody has committed suicide or not was a matter of opinion
- The statistical patterns in suicide simply reflected the assumptions that influenced the decision of the coroners
- Whether somebody has committed suicide or not was a matter of opinion
- Maxwell Atkinson
- Phenomenology and the study of suicide
- Symbolic interactionsim
- Developed by
- Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer
- Associated with qualitative methods
- Influenced
- Erving Goffman
- Howard Becker
- Developed by
- The application of interpretivist methods to the study of suicide
- Critical sociology
- Critical sociology and suicide
- Michel Dorais
- Dominant ideas about masculinity remain oppressive features of Western societies and that they can lead to effeminophobia
- Michel Dorais
- Evaluation
- Lee Harvey
- Critical sociology has a concern with abstract concepts and ideology
- Critical sociology and suicide
- Feminism and research methods
- Feminist interviewing
- Ann Oakley
- The patriarchal approach is based on a hierarchal relationship in which the interviewer controls or directs their subject
- Ann Oakley
- Standpoint epistemology
- Liz Stanley and Sue Wise
- Understanding comes from experience and as such, whatever research methods are adopted, the aim of them must be to describe and explain the different standpoints of women accurately
- Totally rejected by positivists
- Liz Stanley and Sue Wise
- Feminist interviewing
- Postmodern methodology
- Theory, triangulation and multiple methods
- William Outhwaite
- Sociologists now often draw on a number of celebrity sociologists in thinking about society
- Zygmunt Bauman
- Anthony Giddens
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Ulrich Beck
- Many sociologists now use several research methods in tandem when studying the social world
- Sociologists now often draw on a number of celebrity sociologists in thinking about society
- William Outhwaite
- Suicide and methodological pluralism
- Jonathan Scourfield, Ben Fincham, Susanne Langer and Michel Shiner
- Study based upon a mixture of quantitate evidence and qualitative data
- Accept Atkinson's idea that suicide verdicts may not be entirely reliable
- It is possible to produce reliable statistics on suicide, as long as sociologists critically examine the evidence about deaths and evaluate it so they can determine which deaths were truly suicide
- Jonathan Scourfield, Ben Fincham, Susanne Langer and Michel Shiner
- Functionalism and methodology
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