Causes of the Cold War
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 19-01-18 17:03
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- Causes of the development of the Cold War in the 40s
- Ideologies
- Capitalism
- USA based on 2 ideas:
- Democracy
- Capitalism
- Property and business owned by privet individuals and companies
- US was the world's richest country
- Still has extreme poverty
- Most Americans were very passionate about Capitalism
- This meant that even pre-Cold War there were serious tensions between the two superpowers
- USA based on 2 ideas:
- Communism
- USSR was a one party, Communist state
- Many people in the USSR were bitterly opposed to Capitalism
- This meant that even pre-Cold War there were serious tensions between the two superpowers
- For the many not the few
- Everything was very censored and tightly controlled
- Can't have been the main reason for The Cold War because the two countries had different ideologies 0 years before
- Made the West feel worried that communism would take over
- Capitalism
- Conferences
- Yalta
- February 1945
- Stalin and the others agreed to most things
- Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill
- Agreements
- Stalin agreed to enter the war with Japan
- They agreed Germany would be divided into 4 zones
- They agreed to punish GErmany for Genocide
- Countries that were freed from German control would be allowed to hold free elctions
- All agreed to join the UN
- They all agreed Eastern Europe would be considered a "soviet sphere of influence"
- Disagreements
- Poland
- Stalin wanted the border of the USSR to move into Poland
- Churchill disagreed w/ Stalin's plans but knew there was nothing he could do
- Roosevelt disagreed w/ Stalin but Churchill convinced him to accept it
- As long as Stalin didn't interfere w/ Greece
- Poland
- Potsdam
- May 1945
- Stalin, Churchill/Attlee and Truman
- Things that had changed since Yalta
- Yalta
- February 1945
- Stalin and the others agreed to most things
- Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill
- Agreements
- Stalin agreed to enter the war with Japan
- They agreed Germany would be divided into 4 zones
- They agreed to punish GErmany for Genocide
- Countries that were freed from German control would be allowed to hold free elctions
- All agreed to join the UN
- They all agreed Eastern Europe would be considered a "soviet sphere of influence"
- Disagreements
- Poland
- Stalin wanted the border of the USSR to move into Poland
- Churchill disagreed w/ Stalin's plans but knew there was nothing he could do
- Roosevelt disagreed w/ Stalin but Churchill convinced him to accept it
- As long as Stalin didn't interfere w/ Greece
- Poland
- America had a new president
- Stalin's armies were occupying most of Eastern Euproe
- USA had developed the atomic bomb
- Yalta
- Disagreements
- Stalin wanted Germany to pay compensation
- The other 2 said no because they were worried it would cause WW3
- They disagreed over Soviet Policies in Europe
- Truman saw Stalin's advances in Eastern Europe as evidence that Stalin was trying to build up a soviet empire
- Stalin wanted Germany to pay compensation
- Yalta
- The A-Bomb
- Developed in secret by the USA
- Created further tensions and stalin felt this showed a distrust
- First successful test took place on the 16th of July 1945
- Stalin had spies so he knew the USA were developing the bomb
- 6th and 9th of August 1945 USA dropped the bomb on Japan
- Developed in secret by the USA
- The Iron Curtain
- Phrase coined by Churchill on 5th March 1946 in a speech to the USA
- The name for the border between the East and the West
- Metaphor for Stalin's sphere of influence
- In the later 40s Stalin/Communism spread to 7 different Eastern European countries
- Made the West feel worried that communism would take over
- In October 1947 Stalin set up Cominform
- Shows how Stalin was was tightening his control over the eastern world
- Really worried the WEst
- The West were alarmed
- Truman saw this as a spread of Communism while Stalin saw it as security
- American Policies
- Truman Doctrine
- March 1947
- Introduced by Turman
- The name given to USA's attitude to world politics
- Meant the USA was prepared to send money, equipment and advice to any country threatened by COmmunism
- Aim was to stop the spread of Communism
- Known as Containment
- Marshal Plan
- George Marshal went to assess the economic state of the UK in 1947
- European countries owed $11.5 bil to the USA
- in 1947 Britain has to turn all electricity off for a certain period every day because of shortages
- Marshal suggested that $17bil of aid be given to Europe
- In December 1947 it was refused by congress
- In 1948, after communists took over Czechoslovakia the plan was accepted
- Stalin's Reaction
- View it with suspicion
- Forbade any of his European countries from apply for Marshal Aid
- Thoughts that it would weaken his control over Eastern Europe
- Felt USA was trying to control as many countries as possible to make them dependant on $s
- Truman Doctrine
- Greece + Turkey
- Greece
- After Nazis driven out 2 groups emerged
- Communists
- Monarchists
- in 1945 British troops went to support the Monarchists
- King returned to power
- 1946 a Civil War broke out
- UK had to withdraw in Febuary 1947
- After Nazis driven out 2 groups emerged
- Stalin had promised to leave them alone
- Turkey
- Stalin tried to gain influence here
- Thought it would gain him access to the Med Sea
- Truman worried USSR influence here would allow Stalin to spread to the Middle East
- Middle East was important because of oil reserves
- Stalin tried to gain influence here
- Greece
- Ideologies
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